Festive items and more

2018-12-21 10:03:27


The second batch of Christmas deals hits the store: "Absolute", "Radiance" weapon series, festive weapons and terrifying helmets. Get ready for heaps of fun!

Radiance series

These holiday-colored guns will be your trusty right hand in the heat of battle, will boost your fighting spirit, put you in a holiday mood, and let you earn memorable stripes.

You can also buy individual Radiance series weapon skins and apply them to the standard versions of guns you already have. Isn’t that great?

Christmas series

You will definitely get a kick out of the holiday versions of the devastating AS50 sniper rifle, Cobray Striker shotgun, and Daewoo K1 SMG. In addition to their colorful appearance, these guns have better stats and would be perfect for hunting Bigfoot, to say the least. Don’t forget to take a firecracker and Candy Knife with you—what kind of holiday would it be without fireworks and sweets?

It goes without saying that you’ll earn holiday achievements for slaying your enemies with these guns.

Aggressive helmets

Want to keep your head warm and scare your enemies at the same time? Then these helmets are just what you need. In addition to their unsettling appearance, they have useful stats: they increase head defense, decrease flash bang effect, and allow you to detect enemy anti-personnel mines.

"Absolute" weapon series

Enjoying the feeling of absolution but longing to expand your armory? Give the expanded Absolute series guns a try with the Beretta ARX160 assault rifle, DP-12 double-barrelled shotgun, H&K UMP SMG and the M14 Crazy Horse semi-auto sniper rifle. Grab these neon jade beauties now!

"Absolute" squad

Now that you are well-armed, let's get you geared up. Step your game up with the "Absolute" character skins! Members of this top-of-the-line counter-terrorist unit have access to highly advanced equipment and are trained to tackle any combat situation at hand.

Please note that the "Absolute" character skins are purely cosmetic. They help you customize your character, can be helpful as camouflage in specific environment and do not affect character stats.

Ho-ho-ho, soldiers!

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