
PvE Event: One Year in the Ranks
You're invited to take part in a new event. Earn yourself some fantastic pistols and melee weapons, both temporary and permanent!
2019-10-01 15:00:30
New ranked match season
We are excited to announce the start of the ranked match season, birthday edition! This time around, you can expect even more prizes, weapons, and unique achievements. Let's celebrate our birthday together!
2019-10-01 14:12:24
Fresh armory top up
The fresh shop update features a festive camo series "Sexennial" and a set of weapons to decorate.
2019-10-01 08:39:48
Your opinion is important to us!
This short survey will not take you long but will make a great contribution to further project development. Let's improve Warface together!
2019-09-30 18:37:22
Coming soon: changes to a range of guns
The stats of some weapon models will change in the upcoming update. Come find out which guns you should pay attention to right now, and stock up your arsenal with these models in advance.
2019-09-30 08:52:35
New armory top up
The new shop update brings the long-awaited light machine gun Stoner LMG A1. Other classes will also find first-rate weapons to stock up their armories.
2019-09-27 08:27:22
We keep a close eye on the questions you ask on our social media pages. Today we'll answer the most popular ones. Here we go!
2019-09-25 08:27:29
New Shop Supply
What can be more heartening for a seasoned soldier than set off on a mission with reliable allies? Only to do that with new guns!
2019-09-24 08:08:29
New shop update features not only new weapons in the armory, but also new soldier sqauds. Get ready for action!
2019-09-20 10:49:40
The Earth Shaker PvE event is returning!
Want to get good weapons? Prove your skills and valuable prizes including the Earth Shaker gun series could be yours!
2019-09-18 09:32:19