

2020-03-03 07:33:56

The time has come, soldiers!

The fifth season of the Battle Pass has already started. This time you’ll complete tasks on the side of your nemesis, experience a whole range of emotions and have a look at the familiar plot from a completely different perspective. It's time to side with Blackwood and finally find out all their secrets!

The Battle Pass participants will increase their personal progress levels and get rewards for each of them!

The key feature of the event is that having full access is only necessary to receive rewards. Progress on tasks and personal level is processed for all players, including participants with a trial version! Thus, the player can, for example, reach the highest level, and then gain the full access and immediately collect all the rewards for their progress.

We remind you that everyone can try out the event - rewards for the first 10 levels are available to everyone. However, you will need the full access to make the most of the Battle Pass and gain the most valuable prizes.



Just like in the previous seasons, Battle Pass participants have access to over 100 levels, each of them yielding a number of powerful guns and skins, weapons of the "Onyx", "Morion" and "Obsidian" series, premium currency, a collection of achievements and much more.

Weapons are incredibly important for every fighter, and, without a doubt, they constitute the main reward in this Battle Pass. By reaching different levels you can get: M48 Bowie Knife "Onyx", Blackwood TEC-9 "Morion", Jagdkommando Knife "Obsidian", Gerber Tomahawk "Morion", while the 99th level will bring Maxim 9 "Obsidian"!

Maxim 9
Maxim 9 "Obsidian"
Нож M48 Bowie
M48 Bowie Knife "Onyx"
Томагавк Gerber
Gerber Tomahawk "Morion"

The 100th level will reward you with a set of unique Blackwood skins which will place their proud owner in the spotlight of everyone's attention!

But pleasant surprises do not end with that! Upon reaching certain levels, you can get "Morion" and "Obsidian" guns whose striking looks will certainly be long remembered on the battlefield.

"Obsidian" Series


Stoner LMG A1


"Morion" Series

Smoke Grenade


Stoner LMG A1

Blackwood unique achievements include 7 marks, 6 badges and 3 stripes designed in the same style as the ammo.


In seasonal crates received for levelling up, you will find weapons worthy of a true warrior: permanent "Onyx" guns or temporary classic weapon models. Grind your enemies into dust!

Permanent weapons:


Maxim 9

АК Alpha


Temporary weapons:

S&W M&P R8  (1д.)
S&W M&P R8 (1d.)
F90 MBR (1д.)
F90 MBR (1d.)
Beretta ARX160  (1д.)
Beretta ARX160 (1d.)

Just as before, you can find a guaranteed prize. Even if fortune doesn’t like you today, and 49 crates running yield only temporary items, you will definitely get a valuable permanent prize from each 50th crate. In addition, permanent weapons cannot be repeated: in other words, you will always receive a new model.

All hail Blackwood!

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2020-03-02 20:24:10
Game Shop Update: 6 of March
Have you already caught the excitement of springtime? It is time to top up your armory and rush into battle! New guns available via Direct Sale and "Great Gatsby" weapon boxes will come in handy.
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