Content Creator Holiday Calendar

2020-12-24 15:45:39


We, along with our partnered content creators for consoles, have compiled a calendar filled with videos for the holidays! So if you feel like watching some Waraface, show these creators some love and enjoy the vids.

December 25th
iLac1k: "Random moments" video + Giveaway + Livestream
Archross: Thank you to the viewers! + Christmas giveway
Milton Martins: AK-103 "Evil Santa" + Giveway
Rain197: Rifleman Christmas showcase
The Working Class Gamer: A livestream + Giveaway
December 26th
iLac1k: Thank you to the viewers! + Livestream
Archross: Future plans for Warface content and more
Milton Martins: "Pantheon" H&K MP7 review
T3ddy Gregy: AK-103 "Evil Santa" showcase
The Working Class Gamer: Christmas shop review
December 27th
iLac1k: Livestream
Archross: Christmas gun review
Milton Martins: AMP DRS "Evil Santa" review
Rain197: Medix Christmas showcase
December 28th
iLac1k: Livestream
Archross: Gun review
Milton Martins: "Pantheon" Derya MK-10 VR102
The Working Class Gamer: Warface Weekly, Christmas edition!
T3ddy Gregy: PP Bizon "Evil Santa" showcase
December 29th
iLac1k: Livestream
Archross: Gun review
Milton Martins: PP Bizon "Evil Santa" review
Rain197: Engineer Christmas showcase + giveaway
T3ddy Gregy: AMP DRS "Evil Santa" showcase
December 30th
iLac1k: Livestream
Milton Martins: "Pantheon" AWM
The Working Class Gamer: Spoof showcase
December 31st
iLac1k: Livestream
Milton Martins: Beneli "Evil Santa" review
Rain197: Sniper Christmas showcase + giveaway winner announcement
T3ddy Gregy: How this year went for the channel
January 1st
iLac1k: Funny montage
The Working Class Gamer: Livestream discussion of the future of Warface
January 5th
T3ddy Gregy: Happy holidays fragmovie

Enjoy the content and happy holidays! 

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